About Me

Where did it all begin?
I was born on a wonderful twin island paradise called Trinidad & Tobago. Home of the steel drum, calypso, parang, chutney (which is both a type of food and music), Carnival and also famous foods like curry roti, curried crab and dumplings, a food called doubles (like two Nairn bread with chick peas).
My mother was a schoolteacher and was also into stage acting. As an English teacher I remember her always correcting my siblings and I on how we pronounced things which was soooo annoying for me as a child. Who knew it would serve me well, many years in the future.
As the last of 3 kids and being almost a decade apart I spent most of my time creating my own games, and finding ways to pass the time. Oh and no devices to distract me.
One of the things I did do was to pretend I was a radio DJ. From as early as age 5, I found myself fascinated by the notion of speaking into a microphone. I recorded my voice into a double cassette player and created my own “show”. Hmmm, early stages of Podcast Creation right there.

As I grew into adulthood, the realms of voice, music, sound, and tone captivated my attention. I diligently studied how each of these elements can profoundly impact an individual.
I remember listening to politicians, CEOs, the regular man or woman on the street and thought the put me to sleep.
(Whispers) “Which is Just like the bedtime stories in my Story Nook section you should check it out”.
Being somewhat a shy teenager I was challenged to come out of my shell when my first job was doing sales.
I went from sales of computer equipment to selling radio airtime and creating radio ads for my clients. This was the start of my Voice Over path.
My journey led me to a radio station that played inspirational music where I dedicated 15 years of my life. During that time, I took on management roles, program production, and hosted my own on-air radio show.
It was during a summit in 2009 in Los Angeles that I had the privilege of encountering my voice-acting coach. Stepping onto the stage and receiving her guidance was a transformative experience.

A Voice Coach Was Born
My years of experience in broadcasting, production and voice-acting literally climaxed to propel me into the next phase of my career— This was built on a deeper understanding of the many dimensions and potential of the voice.
Armed with a wealth of experience, exposure and knowledge, I ventured into coaching in 2013. The response from my first client was overwhelmingly positive, and well, Vocalyze came into existence.
I found myself assisting performers in perfecting their stage presence, collaborating with managers and leaders to enhance their speech delivery, and guiding individuals of all ages—from kids and teenagers to adults, to discover the power of their own unique voices.
Today things have gone to another level. I conduct sessions both virtually and in person, providing a platform for growth and development.
My expertise has extended to working alongside CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, founders and coaches aiding them in unlocking their untapped potential. Seeing them embrace the techniques and use the tools I share with them and then observe their personal transformation is a joy.
My deep faith and belief in Jesus Christ have kept me focused and grounded along this journey.
I could not do what I do without the incredible support of my wife, kids, and a global community of like-minded individuals.
I really look forward to talking with you soon, so you too can experience.
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