Story Nook
Welcome to Story Nook
Coming Soon, Exciting and Entertaining Bedtime stories for kids.
Join me and some of my friends as we create the perfect mood for your kids to rest well.
Join the waiting list and be the first to be notified when the Story Nook goes live. New Stories will be added Monthly.
Bonus Story
Here is a full production story created with one of my friends Kate MacDonald as a treat for your ears.

Do your kids sometimes have trouble sleeping?
As parents we can get tired of reading bedtime stories over and over again.
Even though this is my profession I remember not being excited about reading the same story again and again. It can get a bit laborious.
So enters Story Nook. I thought of taking that burden away from you as a parent and creating stories you can play for your kids. Something that’s fun and relaxing at the same time.
I also roped in some help from Voice Over friends to seal the deal.
So go ahead and subscribe to the Story Nook, new stories added regularly.